Talks in reversed chronological order.
- Skada and Skada-Bench: Benchmarking Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Methods with Realistic Validation2024
- Riemannian geometry for statistical estimation and learning: applications to remote sensing and M/EEG2024
- Riemannian geometry for statistical estimation and learning: applications to remote sensing and M/EEG2023
- Riemannian geometry for statistical estimation and learning: applications to remote sensing and M/EEG2023
- Estimation and classification of location and covariance matrix using Riemannian geometry: application to remote sensing2023
- On The Use of Geodesic Triangles Between Gaussian Distributions for Classification Problems2022
- Optimization and statistical learning using Riemannian geometry: application to remote sensing2022
- Optimization and statistical learning using Riemannian geometry and application to remote sensing2022
- Probabilistic PCA from Heteroscedastic Signals: Geometric Framework and Application to Clustering2021
- Riemannian Geometry to Robust Estimation Covariance matrices with Application to Machine Learning2021